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03.12.2016, 12:42

Finanzcrash (sonstige Themen)

Lynn hat am 30.November über den Aktienmarkt, Finanzen, Edelmetalle und Trump folgendes gesehen (siehe unten, Q bedeutet Question/Frage und A die Antwort).
Auf deutsch ganz kurz zusammengefasst:

Bis Ende 2016 wird der Aktien-/Finanzmarkt sehr gut florieren, u.a. weil es geplant ist, dass Obama bis zum Ende seiner Amtszeit "gut aussehen" soll. Wenn dann Trump übernimmt, lässt man den Aktienmarkt sofort steil fallen, damit Trump so richtig schlecht da stehen soll und man ihm die Schuld dafür geben kann. Trump rechnet allerdings damit und kann den Aktienmarkt/Finanzen wieder gerade biegen und auf (guten) Kurs bringen.
Das erklärt die Aussage von Maria S., warum der jetzt schwache Euro im Februar 2017 wieder ansteigen wird (weil der Dollar fällt).

Trump wird generell ein Hindernis nach dem anderen zu bewältigen haben, weil die "Elite im Hintergrund" ihm nicht kampflos das Feld überlassen will. Trump wird sie aber jedes Mal wieder "austrumpfen" (Trumpf war ja der eigentliche deutsche Namen seiner Vorfahren).

Edelmetall wie z.B. Silber wird künstlich im Preis gedrückt (gehalten). Der US Dollar ist in Schwierigkeiten und wird mit der Zeit seinen Wert verlieren, aber es wird ein langer, langsamer, allmählicher Prozess des Niederganges sein, bevor er vollends verschwunden sein wird.
Dann wird es eine (Zwischen-) Zeit geben, wo es gar kein Bargeld mehr gibt und alles nur elektronisch getätigt werden wird.
Eine neue Art der elektronischen Währung wird in dieser Zeit aufgebaut, bevor die Leute überhaupt realisieren, was da gerade passiert, ist sie da. Für diese Zeit kaufen die "Kontrollierer" Gold und Silber, um eine Art "Buffer" und Werte zu haben, bevor diese neue Währung anfängt.
Der Wert von Edelmetall wird in dieser Übergangszeit emporschnellen.
Es wird eine Ankündigung kommen, dass es eine neue, bequeme Bezahlweise geben soll, Bitcoin ist es aber nicht. Während der Zeit, also wenn man diese Ankündigung hört, soll man sein Gold und Silber "festhalten" (=nicht aussgeben).

Ein Mitleser kommentiert, dass er gehört hat, dass ein grosser Niedergang im August 2017 passiert.

Priority Blog Request: The Stock Market and Precious Metals
Q. Please comment on the future direction of the US stock market, and the price of silver and gold. I think this is important because this impacts so many readers. There are predictions money will come flowing into the US Markets, which are the “safest”. The Dow is predicted to soar to 50,000 over the next year(s). Others say there are many unforeseen events (“Black Swans*” - assassinations, earthquakes, etc.) that will lead to a sudden collapse of the US (and world) stock markets, wiping out the savings of many. This is a crucial question: invest in the stock market and expect massive gains, or stay in cash and avoid a major crash. *Black Swans (as used in this question): defined as an unexpected event that might tank the stock market, such as a US major earthquake, or the assassination of a world leader, or military action, etc.

A. I see the market doing very well through the end of the year. The Powers that [once] Were (PTW) are really pumping up the market (falsely) to get their gains while Obama is still in office. I see the "Powers" timing this perfectly so when Trump takes control they can let the market dip (a lot). This is due to the PTW frustration that they cannot control Trump, and a way to encourage the US and people around the world to lose confidence in Trump as a leader. Trump (I see) expects this to happen, and is on to their "game." Due to his connections, personal interests and determination to be a good leader (this is where his ego is a positive thing for the people), he is able to stabilize the market and bring it back. It is a small, consistent, but steady incline.

Overall, I see the market doing well while the current president is in office, and diving once Trump is sworn in. The timing is critical because the PTW want the full blame on Trump (if they do it too early some blame can do to Obama and they do not want that). Trump recognizes it, works on damage control and them brings the market back.

Trump will have to overcome obstacle after obstacle (Black Swans) to create the vision he wants. The PTW won't go down without a fight. Somehow, I do see Trump outwitting them at their game, and coming out on top. I keep hearing this phrase that "he keeps "trumping" them."

A second question concerns precious metals - gold and silver. It appears to be well documented that there is price suppression of these by JP Morgan Chase and the Bank of Nova Scotia (possibly in partnership with the US government). I am wondering when and if they will let the prices of these soar? They are documented to have gathered massive amounts of physical silver, and right now are in the process of covering their short positions by manipulating the price of these downward. Can you comment on this, and see when the prices will go to the moon? Thank you so much,

A. I do see this as being true. The big bankers, wall street and PTW are controlling the valuation of the market on this. I see what is happening is the "controllers' are issuing paper certificates for silver to skew the supply / demand, therefore, driving the price down. There are two things with this. One, it creates a suppression in price allowing PHYSICAL silver to be purchased at a much lower rate. And, two, if there was a run on cashing these certificates it would be realized there isn't enough silver to honor the certificates.

They are dong this for a couple reasons. The main is an insurance policy to preserve their wealth. The US dollar is in trouble. It looks to be slowly but surely losing value. I don't know that I can see it being saved, but it will be a long slow process before it is totally gone (it will go through a phase of being obsolete, people won't carry cash, everything will be electronic and places will have an credit based preference as a new credit based system starts to swoop in and take over before the people even realize what is happening). While this is going on people in control are buying real, tangible silver and gold so if / when the dollar tanks, they have something that is of worth. It also provides a buffer while this new 'credit based" system starts to take hold and the kinks are worked out.

I see that currently (tangible) silver does have real value, but it isn't reflected in the numbers. Within the next couple of years as a new credit based society emerges and some other form of currency is introduced, the value of precious metals will soar.

I see there being some big announcement like "a new convenient form of money exchange is coming around (not like bitcoin either)" or "cash in your dollars for this new / great form or currency." The media will portray it like it is your idea to participate in this new form of exchange, and they make you feel like it is a great idea, and so easy. I get that when it does happen it will swoop over the people like a fog rolling in. When that talk happens, keep your gold and silver close.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

[NOTE: I want to put a disclaimer out there that I am not a financial expert, what I get comes from an intuitive perspective, so before making financial decisions you may want to talk to an adviser. And, most importantly trust your own gut and intuition. :-)]


04.12.2016, 15:34

@ KimS


Kleine Anmerkung:
Lynn hat übrigens im Zusammenhang mit dem Finanzcrash in früheren Artikeln immer einen Weihnachtsbaum gesehen, also dass der Dollar-Crash, irgendwann im Dezember passieren wird. Sie hat diesen bereits für 2014 und 2015 vorausgesagt, was aber entweder von ihr falsch interpretiert war oder sich verschoben hat (Zeit ist relativ....).

Da wir dieses Jahr also im Dezember noch einen gut florierenden Aktienmarkt haben werden, ist im Moment (laut Lynn) so viel sicher, dass es auf jeden Fall nicht diesen Dezember passiert.


04.12.2016, 16:46

@ KimS


Hallo KimS,

danke für die Infos. Hat Sie die letzten Jahre auch schon "Treffer" gelandet? Ich finde es sehr interessant was sie schreibt.

Vielen Dank Gruß Varuna

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