Prophezeiungsforum (aktuelles Weltgeschehen im Licht der Bibel) - CBWs Ausblick für 2017 - (31.- 40.)

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CBWs Ausblick für 2017 - (31.- 40.) (sonstige Prophezeiungen)

verfasst von Lisa(R), 30.12.2016, 12:48

Weitere Voraussagen von CBW. Sorry, kein link.

31. Japan will see a very large quake this year that will cause great damage. Their woes won't stop anytime soon.

32. I saw 2 "dormant" volcanoes coming to life this year, also causing damage and havoc. Folks really won't be prepared.

33. I have no idea what is happening in Antarctica but expect a leak about it that will be surprising. Maybe a wikileak?

34. A surprising person will be pardoned and allowed back into the US. He will shed light on some secrets and be instrumental in privacy protection changes.

35. More joy for the Royal family. Sadness too...

36. I see a terrible accident involving a rocket or test that will cause many causalities.

37. I see lines of cars evacuating a city. It appears to be on the WEST coast of the US. I am unsure if it post a weather event or something else.

38. Proof of a live historic, thought-extinct monster will emerge and a live animal captured. Some type of dinosaur perhaps?

39. Also a live sporting event tragedy. Maybe a soccer game? I see it as a deliberate act. Also causing significant causalities. I don't think in the US but abroad. Possible England or Scotland or a place with similar landscape?

40. Big changes for Congress rules--term limits, benefits and restrictions will ensue. I am not sure the reason but the US people will rejoice.

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