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ein Buch von Prophezeiungen (sonstige Prophezeiungen)

verfasst von Fabio Araujo(R), 20.02.2007, 12:09


Ich schreibe nicht gut Deutsch. Ich habe ein Prophezeiungen Buch geschrieben und es wird in Kopp Verlag veröffentlicht.

In diese Buch man kann finden prophezeiungen über:

- Antichrist (Legenden?)
- Drei Tage Finsternis
- eine Krise
- eine Flut
- der 3 Welt Krieg
- der zweite Messias

etc. Ich denke dass alles beginnt in 2020-2030. Erste das Krieg, 1 Jahre danach der Messias, und circa 3 Jahre danach die Flut.

Ich denke auch:

- Vladimir Putin ist vieleicht der Antichrist.
- Das globale Wärmen ist das erste Zeichen der Flut oder Ende der Welt.
- Es gibt einen zweiten Messias, und er ist französisch. Viele Religionen nehmen dieses an, da ihr Messias, und alle Religionen werden eine Religion.
- Die Kreation der Welt in der Bibel, in Mythen und Legenden sind dieselben, die in ungefähr 25 Jahren geschieht.
- Ich glaube die drei Tage Finsternis sind des Endes der Umdrehung in unseren Planeten (Mythen und Legenden)
- 1000 Jahre zwischen 2 Fluten.

Was denken Sie?

Entschuldigung, weil ich kann nicht gut in Deutsch schreiben.

Viele Grüsse,

Fabio R. de Araujo

Hier sind prophezeiugen von Martir Luther (Hier ist in Englisch, aber Ich denke, dass es gibt in Internet in Deutsch auch.)

TABLE TALK (Tischreden)
LUTHER, MARTIN (1483-1546)

Antichrist is the pope and the Turk together; a beast full of life must have a body and soul; the spirit or soul of antichrist is the pope, his flesh or body the Turk. The latter wastes and assails and persecutes God’s church corporally; the former spiritually and corporally too, with hanging, burning, murdering, etc. But, as in the apostle’s time, the church had the victory over the Jews and Romans, so now will she keep the field firm and solid against the hypocrisy and idolatry of the pope, and the tyranny and devastations of the Turk and her other enemies.

I cannot well define or comprehend this prophecy: “A time, times, and half a time.” I do not know whether it refers to the Turk, who began to rule when Constantinople was taken, in the year 1453, eighty-five years ago. If I calculate a time to be the age of Christ (thirty years) this expression would mean one hundred and five years, and the Turk would still have twenty-five years swing to come. Well, God knows how it stands, and how he will deliver those that are his. Let us not vex ourselves with seeking over knowledge. Let us repent and pray.

The Turk will go to Rome, as Daniel’s prophecy announces, and then the last day will not be very distant. Germany must be chastised by the Turks. I often reflect with sorrow, how utterly Germany neglects all good counsel. Victory, however, depends not on ourselves. There is a time for conquering the Turks, and a time for being conquered. The king of France long exalted himself in his pride, but in the end he was abased and made captive. The pope long despised God and man, but he too is fallen. They say the pope lately celebrated the circumcision of four of his sons, and invited the great khan, the king of Persia, and the chiefs of the Venetians, to the ceremony. He is extremely venerated by his subjects. He gives the people a passport, called vich, the bearer of which passes safely throughout the Turkish dominions, and is freely lodged wherever he goes.

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