Prophezeiungsforum (aktuelles Weltgeschehen im Licht der Bibel) - Neues aus der UN in New York

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Neues aus der UN in New York (Biblische Prophezeiungen / Zusammenh�nge)

verfasst von Hidden21(R), 12.05.2010, 09:22

� Die Christenverfolgung beginnt jetzt - wir werden Zeugen und Verfolgte
� zugleich sein

� Was niemand in Deutschland erfahren hat: Ein hoher
� UN-Beamter in New York hat letzte Woche angekündigt, Papst
� Benedikt verfolgen zu lassen.

Leider in Englisch - aber eben aus den USA erhalten:

She came to my office crying….

She is a Christian working deep within the UN….

And she needs our help…

May 12, 2010

Dear Friend of the Friday Fax,

I recall the young woman who came weeping to my office a few years ago.

She is a UN employee, a Christian, who felt overwhelmed by the evil agenda promoted by her colleagues. She told me how she could not show herself to be a faithful Christian because she would be persecuted. She cried and cried.

I remind you of this story for one reason only. We have friends deep within the UN system! There is leaven there! They are mostly hidden. They cannot expose themselves. They are like Nicodemus who could only come to Jesus in the night.

But they are there! They work in the UN Secretariat. They work at UNICEF. They work at the World Health Organization. They work on foreign delegations to the UN. Some even work at UNFPA! I know because they reach out to me and my staff.

Imagine working in an environment where you would be hated and persecuted if your colleagues only knew that you worshiped really worshipped and followed Jesus Christ? And that you opposed the abortion agenda!

Imagine working in an environment where your colleagues work constantly to undermine the faith and the faithful; to kill unborn children; to redefine the family. Imagine doing all you can in your own limited way to stop them but having to do it in secret.

That is the reality for hundreds and maybe even thousands of our brothers and sisters working within the UN system!

I know this to be true because some of them come to me and to my staff. And one of their central messages to us is this.

Be brave. Do not stop what you are doing. Keep shining a bright light on the UN radicals who are using UN documents and programs to promote abortion and the homosexual agenda. Do not stop coming to meetings and reporting on what you see. The world has to know what goes here. And above all, keep publishing the Friday Fax. Sometimes it is our only consolation. And it drives our colleagues crazy!

As you read this letter I want you to think of the brave men and women who work at the UN and who work unknown to us but who work close to evil inclinations and do all they can to fight it. They rely on the Friday Fax. You do, too, but even if our only audience were these good people, we would keep publishing just for them...."

Quelle: C-FAM


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