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die perfekte Ãœberlebensgemeinschaft (sonstige Themen)

verfasst von KimS(R), 30.04.2016, 11:34

Laut Lynn von
ist was in Europa um den 18.-21. Juli 2016 geplant:

" I look for something to happen around the timeframe of the RNC (Republican National Convention). I see as some kind of False Flag to distract people, because it looks like there's going to be some major upset, and when that happens they're going to want to focus all that attention elsewhere, to create a kind of smokescreen for this big political thing that's getting ready to come down. [What do you see happening?] It's going to be tied to ISIL over in Europe around the time of the RNC and it feels "big." Can't see what exactly, but I get this really horrible unsettled feeling." [Perhaps we all need to coordinate a massive meditation around the RNC date?]"

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