Prophezeiungsforum (aktuelles Weltgeschehen im Licht der Bibel) - Entdeckung des Sterns der Endzeit?

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Entdeckung des Sterns der Endzeit? (sonstige Themen)

verfasst von xxxAmanito(R) Homepage, Wien, 12.12.2015, 11:35

Es wurde ein Himmelskörper entdeckt (vom Entdecker Gna genannt, so wie Gna-de), der u.U. der Nibiru sein könnte, der Stern der Endzeit (Wermut in der Bibel). Allerdings stinkt die Sache ganz gewaltig zum Himmel, siehe meine Mail an den Entdecker - mal schauen, ob & was zurückkommt.

Betreff: questions on discovery of Gna
Datum: Sat, 12 Dec 2015 11:31:50 +0100
Von: Manfred Zimmel (Amanita Market Forecasting)

Dear Wouter Vlemmings, lieber Herr Vlemmings!
Congratulations on having discovered a new solar system body (maybe). 4 Questions on that:
1. It sounds bizarre that you quote either a distance of 12-25 AU (= Uranus distance), or 4000 AU (which is about 200x times further away) for Gna. However, in your preferred number Gna is approximately as far away from the sun as Uranus (19 AU), then it is easily visible with every amateur telescope. At 4000 AU it needs a professional equipment to be seen in the visible light spectrum (if at all) & is extremely dark because luminosity decreases with the square.
2. Why haven't you made visual light pictures with normal telescopes from this area & published them?
3. At Uranus distance & a diameter of 220-800km Gna would have been discovered decades ago. It is almost as far away as Chiron (8.4-19 AU), but has a diameter 1-4x times as large. The smaller Chiron was already discovered in 1977, which was 38 years ago. The only explanation why it hasn't been discovered yet when it is so big & close it is that Gna is really a fast approaching comet that was much further out until some years ago. If yes, then the comet would reach its perihelion in 5-9 years, as comets need about 7 years to come in from Uranus. At any rate, it would be the biggest comet in at least thousands of years (= planet X/ Nibiru?): 5-10 times bigger than the so far brightest comet Hale-Bopp (diameter 60km). The perihelion passage would certainly trigger the by far biggest solar flares in history, according to Prof. James McCanney's plasma discharge comet model. Your comment on that?
4. If Gna is indeed close to Uranus (distance-wise), then it has to move 100+ times fast then the 87 arcsec/yr you mention, as Uranus moves more than 4° per year (5-10km/s). If your apparent speed is correct, then it has to be either much further away, or is a stationary spaceship (when it is 12-25 AU away).
many thanks in advance for your answer!
Manfred Zimmel, Wien, Austria

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