Prophezeiungsforum (aktuelles Weltgeschehen im Licht der Bibel) - News von Maria S. - bitte erst am 9. November 2016 lesen

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News von Maria S. - bitte erst am 9. November 2016 lesen (sonstige Themen)

verfasst von KimS(R), 08.11.2016, 15:46
(editiert von KimS, 08.11.2016, 16:10)

Hier eine Einschätzung von Lynn, was nach einer Wahl Clintons oder Trumps passieren wird:

Both candidates bring something different to the table, and have an opposing type of energy. (One of the main reasons the candidates have the adverse feelings they have toward one another. They energetically don't mesh.). I do see that if Hilary wins we will be going to physical war sooner rather than later. i also see the nation witnessing one of the biggest scandals being uncovered because Trump supporters will be relentless revealing the truth. i also see that Russia (Putin) won't accept her either, and will do what they can to bring about shame This causes a huge divide between supporters and non-supporters. Tensions are high, and I get day to day life won't "feel as easy and fluid." People feel insecure, the stock market feels unstable, and the intuition within people really starts to heighten in order to know facts versus fiction. There is some level of ascension during all this (feels more personal than collective).

Trump brings something different. If he wins he will go into this with the utmost devotion (he has an ego that keeps him driven), but once he is briefed and realizes the happenings around him, he goes though a moment of feeling defeated. He realizes it is much harder to get things done than he realized because many other people pull the strings (or try to), but he is determined to do what he wants. I actually see him trying to fight this system, and see him talking with someone and saying "You know I have money and know people too" He doesn't take kindly to being bullied, and feels it is harder to work with people in his own country than to negotiate and make things happen elsewhere in the world. I do get a slight image of him getting some kind of "mystery illness" at some point during the early part of his term. The economy starts to turn around, and he applies many business practices to create his vision of the country (again, I see his ego really driving him hard). I get the PTW (Powers That once Were) even go so low as to threaten to manipulate the stock market even more to affect the democratic approval rating, and he somehow works around that as if he is one step ahead of them. I cannot see a connection to Israel, but feel overall Americans do very well.

Betsy Lewis, eine bekannte US Hellseherin, sieht übrigens auch Trump als Sieger, der zur Vereidigung an einem kalten, aber klaren Tag mit einem dunklen, langen Mantel kommen wird, während seine Frau Melania mit einem hellen Mantel bei ihm stehen wird.

Und hier ihre Webseite mit ihren Vorhersagen für z.B. 2016:


Hier kommt Betsy Lewis astrologische Analyse von Trump und Clinton und genau so wie Lynn sieht sie einen (3. Welt-) Krieg ausbrechen, im Falle dass Clinton gewinnen sollte:

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in Jamaica, NY. His Sun sign is Gemini, with Leo rising and his moon in Sagittarius (he speaks his mind). He has 3 Cancer signs, which gives him compassion for humanity, he has 3 Leo signs, which give him strength and an ability to attract people to him, and he has 3 Gemini signs which embraces communication. He is able to speak his mind to the masses and he's not a career politician. His primary star is Capella grants him an energetic nature, and a love of learning. Leo in his chart makes him bombastic--he's known to say things off the cuff He has a habit of saying things without considering the negative consequences.Funny, but his star indicates a tendency to be verbose--too talkative! It also imparts honor ad prominent positions of trust. Note: he will become the 45th President which totals "9" his number. He is destined for the White House. I also accurately predicted that Mike Pence would be Trump's decision for Vice President days before he was selected. Trump will be a good president for the nation. I see him making a great many positive changes as promised, but 2017 will be a tough year ahead for the world.

Hillary was born Oct. 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois. Her sun sign is Scorpio. Scorpio is also in her Rising sign, in the planet Mercury and in the planet Venus. Scorpio is the scorpion known for it's sting and has a horrible temper, and it lasts. She makes hasty decisions. Hillary has Uranus in Gemini, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo, and her moon is in Pisces (this is the sign of the fish going in two different directions)--indecisive. Hillary's star is Princeps which gives her prominence in education, science and government affairs. She has a competitive nature. The truth is Hillary and Bill Clinton are part of a elite cabal group and they are involved in dark occult practices. Their involvement in the dark side of life will eventually be their undoing! If she is elected, the New World Order will ignite World War III. The past few months on Earth News I've predicted that more damaging information will be revealed about Hillary. (See prediction #3)

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